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379 productos
Mostrando 97 - 144 de 379 productos
Bronze Coin Collection, a captivating assortment of coins crafted from the enduring alloy of copper and tin. Bronze, with its rich historical significance and unique properties, has been used in coinage for thousands of years. Our collection highlights the beauty and utility of bronze coins, featuring pieces from various periods and regions that showcase the evolution of monetary systems and artistry. Whether you are a seasoned collector, a history buff, or a numismatic enthusiast, our Bronze Coin Collection offers an intriguing look into the world of bronze coinage.
Historical Facts:
- When: The use of bronze in coinage dates back to ancient times, with some of the earliest bronze coins minted in China during the Zhou Dynasty (around 1046–256 BCE). Bronze coins also appeared in ancient Greece and Rome.
- Why: Bronze is valued in coinage for its durability, ease of casting, and the ability to hold intricate designs. Its relatively low cost compared to precious metals made it accessible for everyday transactions.
Interesting Facts:
- Ancient Times: The Romans made extensive use of bronze in their coinage system, with coins such as the As, Dupondius, and Sestertius. These coins often featured detailed portraits of emperors and deities, providing insights into Roman culture and leadership.
- Medieval Period: Bronze coins continued to be used in various regions during the medieval era. In Japan, bronze coins known as "Mon" were widely circulated from the 8th century onwards. Similarly, bronze was used in Byzantine coinage, with the Follis being a notable example.
- Modern Era: In the 19th and 20th centuries, many countries adopted bronze for lower-denomination coins. For example, the British penny and halfpenny coins were made of bronze until 1971. The United States also used bronze for the Lincoln cent from 1909 to 1982, after which the composition was changed to a copper-plated zinc core.
Bronze coins offer a unique combination of historical value and aesthetic appeal. Their patina, which develops over time, adds character and charm, making each coin a distinct piece of history. Our Bronze Coin Collection provides a fascinating exploration of monetary history, showcasing the durability and versatility of bronze as a medium for coinage. Whether for study or investment, these coins represent an important chapter in the story of human civilization and its economic development.